Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hyundai Sonata hard downshifting

This is my first real problem with my 2009 Sonata. I really have not had any issues since the time I bought it.
After replacing my failing battery with a new battery from a dealer, who by the way assured me in full compatibility of the battery, one of the terminals on the new battery was disconnecting. The symptom was that after each engine start all of my electronics would reset. Once I opened the hood and jiggled battery terminal the problem became apparent. The terminal design on Sonata is pretty bad, preventing tightening of the terminal clamp around the post. After some research I found battery post shims at Autozone for $0.99 a pair. If I knew about this simple fix, I would have saved a lot of money by purchasing a battery from Autozone instead of Hyundai Dealer. The battery is at least $40 less and dealer does not take core back like auto shops do. After adding shim and fixing the terminal problem, I run in to another problem.

When transmission was cold it would downshift very hard from 4th to 3rd gear. The feeling was like someone rear-ended my car. Initially I thought the issue was with anti-lock breaks but after a visit to a dealer I realized that it was my transmission. Dealer did not fix the issue the first time so the second visit was needed. At the end all they had to do is to erase adaptation tables in the transmission control computer. I suspect that the bad battery connection caused transmission computer to reset frequently and to corrupt these adaptation tables.

Between visits to the dealer I could characterize the issue pretty well and find some work around. Various posts online report the same problem but sometimes they report that downshifting from 3rd to 2nd gear is hard. For newer models of Sonata transmission fluid temperature sensor seems to be the problem. However for 2009 Sonata transmission computer is the problem, and in particular corrupt adaptation tables.

To work around this issue one should switch to manual shifting for the first 10 or so minutes of driving, while transmission is cold. It is sufficient to downshift from 4th to 3rd gear manually when slowing down. The rest of the shifting had no issues. This way you can prevent any damage to your transmission until you have a chance to take it to the repair shop.

How to print large posters on a regular printer

We had a school project which required a large size print. After looking online for a solution I run across While convenient, it adds logo to the free posters or you have to pay for the one without the logo. Another problem with the site is that you can not control final output size with any accuracy. We ended up using the free site and pasting some notes over the logo but I wanted to find a free and accurate method of doing this.

After some experiments and reading various online posts I found a method that uses only free tools and works very well.

Tools you need

You will need following tools: -
You can also use any other image editing software such as Gimp or Paint Shop Pro or even Photoshop. As long as you can specify canvas size and produce image of desired size any software will work.

You will also need PDF printer and PDF reader. My personal favorite is Foxit Reader -
It comes with free PDF printing driver which works reasonably well. You can use any other PDF creation software that has printer driver and allows to create custom paper sizes.

How to do it

Open your image in and resize canvas to desired size. For example if you want to print 11x14 poster board you would have to re-size your canvas  to be 11x14. Don't forget to account for resolution at which you want to print. Resize your image to match your canvas and get ready to print.

Next you will need to create custom page size that matches your desired output. Open Devices and Printers applet, right click on Foxit Reader PDF Printer and select Printing Preferences. In the dialog that will appear select Layout tab and click on Custom Page Size button. Add your desired page size using the dialog.

Next step is to print your image using Foxit Reader PDF Printer and just created custom page size. As a result you will obtain a PDF file that contains your image in the large format.

Open this PDF file in the Foxit Reader and select File/Print menu. This will open Print dialog. Select Tile Large Pages button and chose page overlap and cut marks if desired. You will need to experiment with black ink and plain paper to get the result you want.

After all configuration is finished you can print your poster.